WE REGISTER NOW CHILDREN FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 2020/2021. If you are interested, call 00420602791338 and come to see our school.
We are the only kindergarten in the Czech Republic where two teachers are men! We have been opened since 2007, so this is our 10th year!
Kids Garden - English Music Preschool provides children 2 - 7 with English tuition by qualified Czech teachers and native English teachers.
We are located on the ground floor of a new building Nová Osada (Aeskulap) at Gajdošova street 7, in Brno. The school garden is just next to the building.
Kids Garden English Preschool is intended for children of all nations with or without prior knowledge of English language.
We also have male teachers which is not very common, but it is very important for children and their education

Uncle Ivo Uncle Ian
Auntie Isabelle
Children are taught in a relaxed, play-oriented programme, an important part of their learning is music.
All education and class work are taught in English.
We offer only one class with 15 to 20 children. For this number we have two Czech teachers and one native English teacher. During the daily programme children are divided into work groups based on their age, English language knowledge and the type of activity.
Our programme is built on the British curriculum - Foundation stage 3-5 and the Czech programme for preschool education.
If you are not sure we offer free stay of your child in our preschool for an arranged period.